19 December 2013

♥ Syukur Alhamdulillah ♥

Sometimes we forgot to say it..

Allah never forget us...

many things happen around us..
so many things have happen at us...
things that make us sick...
things that made us happy...
things that leave a deep wounds in us,
that we wish we were dead..

instead of wishing to be dead,
we should say 
because during this test,
they will remind us of Allah
and help us to rely on Him

all of this occurrence happen for a reason,
what the reason is,
we may not know it..
Allah knows best..
Allah has prepared everything for us..
we must believe in Allah judgement...

alhamdulillah di atas segala nikmat yang diberikan...
terima kasih Ya ALLAH SWT...

i am thankful for everything that happen to me..
it doesn't come as surprise,
but still i am thankful..
though i may be sad and upset,
but still Allah is with me..
hearing all my claims and problems,

and yet, 
Allah doesn't leave me..
always by my side...


09 December 2013

♥ Dealer The Alyn Bake Shop ♥


Wahhhh agak lame gak x update blog ni..
Ni nk cite something ni..

Dulu aku penah gak berangan nk wat biz online..
sbb mls da nak kene mkan gaji dgn org..
lg 1 mls nak kene terikat dgn mase da..
yela kan msuk kul 8.30pg lik 5.30ptg.

Aritu ade ade la terjumpe kat instagram ni..
dia jual kek batek jek..
tp mmg dasyat la sambutan dia..

pastu dia bukak lak iklan nak mencari dealer..
dr situ la tetibe2 dtg lak semngat nak try jd dealer dia..
suami aku ckp try la kan..
mane tau leh wat partime dlu..

Dgn rase rendah dri nyer aku pun whatsaap la owner kek batek tu..
Alyn Farina.
The Alyn Bake Shop

so tgok syarat2 tu aku pun oke jek...
Syukur Alhamdulillah
srkg aku da jd dealer dia..
sonok gak la..
tp penat skit..

biase la kan..
ni la berniaga namenya..
klu xnak penat xleh la kan..

ni la rupe kek batek dia..
coklat melimpah tu.
sedap giler..

LuraniaBiz ni INSTAGRAM aku...

Ini la dia Alyn tu..
tp kami kami pgil ELLE

 Ni lak elle dgn mak dia...
mak dia mcm mude jek kan..

ni la simbol kedai kek batek dia...
